First comprehensive overview to provide a solid foundation on the concept of seascape, with the latest research findings by leading experts from all continents of the northern hemisphere. With discussion across a variety of fields, it offers a holistic biocultural approach, which links nature with culture and theory with practice.
Pioneering methods and case studies are illustrated for the future seascape development, conservation and governance, as best practices for other seascapes worldwide.
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A critical look at the evolution of European islandscapes and seascapes, considering them as an expression of European culture. European islands are illustrated with their unique identities and values, revealing significant natural and cultural heritage. An interdisciplinary approach is applied to their history, perception, characterisation and planning, to support innovative strategies for these fragile landscapes.

The volume addresses the major environmental island changes in the Mediterranean during the Quaternary and especially Holocene, and their effects on biota. It tackles accordingly past and present human pressures that are threats to the sustainability of the island communities. It provides natural and cultural approaches with qualitative and quantitative information on the Mediterranean islands’ physical and cultural environment though advanced research.

- Pungetti, G., 1996. Landscape in Sardinia: History, features, policies. CUEC, Cagliari.
- Makhzoumi, J. and Pungetti G., 1999. Ecological Landscape Design and Planning: The Mediterranean context. Spon-Routledge, London.
- Jongman, R.H.G. and Pungetti G. (eds.), 2004. Ecological Networks and Greenways: Concept, design, implementation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Pungetti, G. and Kruse, A. (eds.) 2010. European Culture expressed in Agricultural Landscapes: Perspectives from the Eucaland Project. Palombi Editori, Rome.
- Egoz, S., Makhzoumi, J. and Pungetti, G. (eds.), 2011. The Right to Landscape: Contesting Landscape and Human Rights. Ashgate, Farnham.
- Pungetti, G., Oviedo, G. and Hooke, D. (eds.), 2012. Sacred Species and Sites: Advances in Biocultural Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Pungetti, G., 2013. Biocultural diversity for sustainable ecological, cultural and sacred landscapes: the biocultural landscape approach. In B. Fu and B Jones. (eds.), Landscape ecology for sustainable environment and culture. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 55-76.
- Pungetti, G., 2012. Islands, culture and landscape. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 1 (2): 51-54.
Claudia Mura, 2022. Ambiente, paesaggio e longevità: il caso dell’Ogliastra. MLitt in Cultural Mediation and Territorial Development, DUMAS, University of Sassari.